Tuesday 15 January 2013

Bachelors Walk - James Brennan

Evidence of James Lanigan, House Surgeon, of Jervis Street Hospital, City of Dublin following Bachelors Walk :

The deceased, James Brennan, 7 Lower Buckingham Street, was brought to Jervis Street Hospital about 7.30 p.m., 26th July, 1914. He was suffering from a clean cut punctured wound in front and to inner side of right thigh, about 5 inches above knee, also a superficial wound one inch long below right gluteal region, and an incised wound six inches long on back of right thigh. He was in a state of collapse, and died in hospital about 8.30 p.m. on same evening.

By order of the City Coroner I made a post-mortem examination.

Externally I found wounds above described, and the wound in front of thigh communicated with the centre of 6-inch incised wound on back of thigh. On internal examination I found femoral artery was severed. All the other organs were healthy.

In my opinion death was due to shock following haemorrhage from the above injuries. The communicating wounds could be caused by a bullet, the incised wounds by a bayonet. In my opinion bullet wound was caused whilst man was standing up. It would be possible to stand up after receiving incised wounds, but not after receiving bullet wound. He could not run very far after receiving those wounds.

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